The 电子游戏软件 Intramural Program organizes sports and activities for the 电子游戏软件 community. 所有的联盟, 比赛, and events put on by the program are meant to be a fun, 为所有参与者提供健康的出口. 

BC校内课程对所有学生开放, 教师, and staff (with a Campus Rec membership) at 电子游戏软件 and, 除了少数例外, 这些活动是免费的! We try to take care of everything from including game scheduling, 聘用学生官员,并提供大部分设备. No practices are required; all you have to do is 注册,请遵循我们的 政策和程序,然后出现!

We are always looking for ways to improve so we are excited to hear ideas and feedback from the BC community. 我们可以通过电子邮件联系到, calling 617-552-0632, or just stopping by our office in the Basketball Wing of Margot's.


The purpose of the Intramural 体育 program at 电子游戏软件 is to provide exercise, 娱乐, 而乐趣让我们的参与者在放松, 然而结构化的环境. Intramural 体育 enhance the academic experience by promoting and reinforcing leadership qualities, 团队合作, 个人的成就, 相互尊重, 完整性, 比赛及康乐活动, 还有技巧和锻炼. Everyone is encouraged to play to the best of their abilities; however, a win-at-all-cost attitude is inappropriate and strongly discouraged. The genuine value of Intramural 体育 comes from the 娱乐 and camaraderie experienced with the other participants and staff of the program.



开始时间:01/21/24 @5:00PM



我们正在招聘! 给狄龙·史密斯发邮件申请! 

You must sign the Campus Rec Student Agreement waiver for facility access and to 注册 for IMs. 签名后最多需要24小时处理.

Joining Intramural 体育 (IM's) at 电子游戏软件 is a competitive process, reflecting the dynamic and enthusiastic spirit of our community. Unfortunately, due to high demand, we cannot guarantee a spot on a team in every sport. We strongly encourage those interested to proactively connect with fellow players, 制定团队, 在注册的时候做好准备, 因为职位往往很快就会被填满.
